Yes I have been singing Barry manilows famous lyric for the last few days and today it came true. Currently lying in bed in the west highland hotel in inverness having broken my duck and drink a few malt whiskys tonight. Goodness only knows what my head will be like in the morning. We rolled over the finish line this morning at around 10.30 to be welcomed in by friends and family. I went down to the sea to touch it and check it really wa there. Jane have me a saltire to wave in Chris hoy fashion and photos were taken ad infinitum. Quick sprint to get my sheet stamped so I'm official an end to ender and then on the bus with my compatriots for the journey to inverness. Very emotional on the coach as I listened to los marillos and fish whilst watching picures of the family on the iPod. I'm so blessed and am delighted that I've raised over 6k for those less fortunate than my own. Tonight we have had Chinese and celebrated. Early night for me again though as I'm dolphin watching tomorrow and then flying home to be with my beloved family.
I'll update the blog further when home but for now it's journeys end.
For now, stopped pedalling.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
bonar bridge to thurso
I'll let you into a secret but please don't tell anyone. The b873 is officially britains most beautiful road. Heather clad hills skirting Ben klibreck and loch naver with male red deer stags running and buzzards soaring. A stuinning piece of road on which emotions raced today. Seagulls indicated the oncoming sea and my mind raced as to why and how I ended up doing this venture. I guess it started with inspiring grandparents, extended through the wider and near family and ultimately is for those poor kids that I want to help as much as I can. I'm so blessed to have Gill and the kids. I cannot thank them enough. I love them all dearly. I want to enjoy the 'victory, tomorrow but then return home as fast as I can to be the husband and dad I should be. I can't wait for 'so little pedalling,.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
getting a little remote, invergary to bonar bridge
Short tonight as poor reception despite having to climb 72 steps in carbisdale castle youth hostel. 2090 calories today as we covered the 80miles along loch ness and then over the biggest hills since Dartmoor. Across purple coloured heathe clad moorland. Beautiful up here but quite remote now as we almost reach the end. Funniest story today was 2 hits being cautioned for running a red light. Real hamush macbeth territory now! Keep on pedalling. Martin
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
the highlight of the trip , inverary to invergary
Greatest day today. Fine weather was dry with cloud in the morning but the skies cleared and we had sun, sea and terrific views. Camera has been clicking all day, often on the wheel. Went past Ben cruachan, round loch awe with possible eagle sighting and unfortunately a roadkill red squirrel. Then over connell bridge with views of mull and on north to ballachulish and views of glencoe. Then onto fort William where I purchased a miniature of glengoyne whisky for the end of the trip. My first tipple in 21 months. Went off piste with ivor and Andrew after lunch on a lovely b road to spean bridge. Then 28mph for the last 13 miles to a hostel at invergary. The views are magnificent, wildlife terrific, legs are great and ass is covered in anti chafing gel! Some of the roads here leave your saddle in your bottom. Can't believe I've spent over 800miles on the same 145mm of leather!
Keep on pedalling!
Ps sharing a room tonight with 4 other men. Hopefully not comatosed in the morning!
Keep on pedalling!
Ps sharing a room tonight with 4 other men. Hopefully not comatosed in the morning!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
singing in the rain, kilmarnock to inverary
Very wet and windy this morning. Waterproofs, tights and overshoes on for the first time on the trip. We have been so lucky with the weather to date that its almost made it easy! Miserable cycling for 90 minutes to largs along the coast. I got there first as my time trialling legs were still with me as I just wanted to get to the hotel and get warm. Problem was I went to the wrong ferry , oops! Realised my error so then went 2 up with Andrew for the next 40 minutes up the coast as the wind was in our faces and hit us like a sledgehammer! The feash smell of the sea soon gave way to rotten seashore smells. Thankfully the curlew, gannets, cormorants and oyster catchers helped lift me as we battled along. At Gouroch we had to wait 90 minutes for a ferry to dunnoon where I got very cold so I tucked into my first irn bru and a couple of Snickers. Cycling holidays are great as you can eat all sorts of rubbish completely guilt free and ladies the ratio of men to women is 13 to 1! 30 minute ferry ride where spirits were lifted by songs from the shows. My favourite things and oom pa pa being particular favourites. We then sang right through till lunch and well into the afternoon. The karaoke king is back!dried up after lunch as we cycled around loch eck and then THE loch fyne, no, not the one in reading! Stopped for fresh fish at the shop but it looked like a Tesco fish counter so we rolled on only to get drenched in the last 5 mile time trial to the hotel where I tweaked the hamstring again, will I ever learn? Inverary is fantastic. Cloud has lifted tonight and we are now in real Scotland! I love this place. Tomorrow will be a great day up to invergary. I cannot wait. 79 miles today with 2483. Calories burned. Thanks for all the supportive messages from 'sunny' Devon you lucky lot. They really are a great morale boost. Please keep the sponsorship coming too as I've had no donations this week and yet am so close to 6k. Please, please, please give all that you can.
Keep on pedalling. Martin
Ps hal wasn't keen on the weather but enjoyed it when we sang the wombles.
Keep on pedalling. Martin
Ps hal wasn't keen on the weather but enjoyed it when we sang the wombles.
Monday, September 6, 2010
hit the straps, carlisle to kilmarnock
After yesterdays shenanigans and a good nights sleep it was my day to prove a point to myself and others. I'm not here for a social but to ride and raise funds for ROS. The day was set fair and with a strong south easterly today would be fast. A7 to longtown and then the border at gretna. Rode with 'my group'to annan and dumfries. Scenery of southern uplands was fab with hills, forests rivers and valleys. Never thought I would return to Scotland by bike! After a warm lunch at Sanquhar I hit my straps at new cumnock with 25 miles to go. Those miles flew by in a flash as I completed them solo in an hour. I did enjoy the 'time trial ' and it did me a lot of good getting to the hotel first. I felt free like the clown and the wolfman for those that know restless natives.after washing it was off to the bar for some social lemon and limes. 95 miles covered in less than 5 and a half hours was fantastic going. Only 2317 calories today but every one felt great. Can't believe there's only 5 days to go as its flown by. I'm massively enjoying the riding and our fair isle. Our small group of fellow MAMILS is great but I am looking forward to seeing Gill and the kids and dogs as I miss them all.
Tomorrow will be wet. VERY wet.
Keep on pedalling.
Ps if you get a chance check out Kevin Sells blog on Blogger for today. It's anatomical description is superb! Thanks for all the love and please keep giving for ROS.
Pps thankyou Carrie for your mail today. It put a smile on my face when I needed it. You and all my supporters are fab. Thankyou all.
Tomorrow will be wet. VERY wet.
Keep on pedalling.
Ps if you get a chance check out Kevin Sells blog on Blogger for today. It's anatomical description is superb! Thanks for all the love and please keep giving for ROS.
Pps thankyou Carrie for your mail today. It put a smile on my face when I needed it. You and all my supporters are fab. Thankyou all.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
from off piste to piste off. Preston to carlisle
Fabulous days riding today covering 102miles with a top speed of 52.4 (legal).with the wind at our backs we sped through Lancaster and Kendal sampling the local cake. Great ascent of shap fell at 1400'and then down to penrith on the A6. Too busy for a few of us so agreed with organisers to go off piste taking in the fabulous mungrisdale in the lake district. Amazing views to skiddaw, helvellyn and blencathra. Sped into carlisle where we we're given a dressing down for disrupting the group dynamic by going off piste despite it being agreed. All in the name of quieter, safer and more scenic roads. I'll take the dressing down any day of the week but needless to say we weren't overly happy. Let's hope for better stuff tomorrow. 2263 calories yesterday and 3035 today. Keep on pedalling......HARD! Martin
Saturday, September 4, 2010
hell of the north
First 2 hours was great as we zipped along flat Shropshire and Cheshire roads in fine weather. Then the fun started as the ride turned into a commute through warrington, wigan, chorley' Preston et Al. Passed haydock park which was very busy as a meet was on. St trinians girls entertained us in wigan as did scarecrow fest in church something or the other. Looking forward now to the lakes as nearly half way there. Bum, legs and foot all holding up. Hal says hello to all. Keep on pedalling. Martin
Friday, September 3, 2010
good things come to those who wait
Today started well, dipped off and then ended on a real high. The wye valley was great as we zipped along at 18mph again. Monmouth to Hereford through the land that time forgot was a bit of a chore though as roads were rough and scenery bland. Aching bums and shoulders for all. Did manage top speed to date though of 48.6 mph. After lunch we entered Shropshire which was fabulous. Endless dairy farms in scenery not too disimilar to the quantocks. A spot of a red kite was a real thrill. Fast descent through the hope valley and on to shrewsbury. 95 miles today with 2677 calories burned. Not looking forward to the long commute tomorrow through the north west. Keep on pedalling, Martin
Thursday, September 2, 2010
staring out over the bridge
Fabulous day today that I reckon topped the wonders of Dartmoor, but then I was in my home county. Zipped along from tiverton to taunton at a steady 18mph with the 9 in the ,faster, peleton.then took them on a detour past Kingston and up the 15 prevent to the pines café for coffee and crusha. Fast descent to bridgwate and the long stop for bike mainstenance at another bike shop befor zipping across the levels to wedmore and cheddar. I could get used to this pro cycling lark! Except I was almost taken out by a lorry as I tried to ride continental style on the right! Climbed shipham Gill on the mendips for lunch in the village before through to Churchill, congresbury, tatton and clevedon. Then a lane following the M5 north from where I spotted a peregrine. Onto the drinks stop, ovee the Avon bridge, throug avonmouth at 21mph and then onto the PLD Severn bridge. Great weather and fine views. Crossed to chepstow to me some of the Bristol family who had kindly brought fresh clothes!drank and showed dad the bike stable. Horses in there are worth over 6k you know! Wasted on us mamils!
Great day. We now leave the south west and go due north. Was it only 2 days ago I was at lands end?
88 miles and 3425 calories for you sweepstake junkies. Keep on pedalling!
Ps Tom's snoring to radio 4. LOUDLY!
Great day. We now leave the south west and go due north. Was it only 2 days ago I was at lands end?
88 miles and 3425 calories for you sweepstake junkies. Keep on pedalling!
Ps Tom's snoring to radio 4. LOUDLY!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
at home in my playground
Oh what a perfect day! Fine and dry though the easterly wind kept blowing. Obligatory phote as we left Cornwall and entered Devon. Met Ben at the drinks stop in tavy and he towed is up to rundlestone with more photos route. I then led a group of 9 at a brisk pace over the moors to lunch north of mortonhampstead. Brisk descent to Exeter at 45mph and then diversion to bike shop to have a team members chainset hit with a big hammer! Fast run at 18mph into tiverton for an early finish. Only 66 miles today but 6000ft of climbing. Best western in tiverton tonight before riding onto chepstow tomorrow. A little stiff but legs and foot ok to date. 3063 calories today and a good tea tonight to compensate! Keep on pedalling. Martin
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
lands end to liskeard
A good first day with fine weather though strong easterly winds. Found a pal in Al the copper who used to live in Ivybridge and then later with David, Andrew and ivor who were all a similar pace. Undulating roads and at times heavy and fast traffic made it more like a long distance commute rather than a regular long ride for me though fun to see some fresh roads at last. Looking forward to exercising local knowledge tomorrow as we cross the moors. Great organisation from DA with breaks every 25 miles or so. Last 3 miles on a38 particularly hairy with evil crosswinds. 75 or so miles with the all important calorie count of 2860. Leg and foot ok to date. Must keep 'spinning,.
Keep on pedalling.
Keep on pedalling.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Out damn ouch!
Went out for a spin today out to Meavy, Burrator and home, about 25 miles. Two reasons, firstly to ensure the bike was alright and secondly to see how the buttock was. First 10 miles painful but then warmed up and despite niggling felt ok. Get home however and it's a numbing pain. Looks like this ride's gonna hurt more than I ever planned. Too late to duck out now but ibuprofen sales will be on the up. Fingers crossed it doesn't stiffen tomorrow. Went to Tesco for more Voltarol just in case.
This will be the last post from home now as off to Cornwall to stay with Ruth's parents tomorrow. Posts from now on will be from the blackberry so likely brief. Will keep notes and write up when home. Hopefully in 2 weeks and no sooner!
Calorie count will definitely be posted each day as there's a sweepstake running on the total at work. Good luck to all the entrants and thanks for the near £100 that this initiative will raise. Well done Ben.
Painful pedalling! JOG here I come!
This will be the last post from home now as off to Cornwall to stay with Ruth's parents tomorrow. Posts from now on will be from the blackberry so likely brief. Will keep notes and write up when home. Hopefully in 2 weeks and no sooner!
Calorie count will definitely be posted each day as there's a sweepstake running on the total at work. Good luck to all the entrants and thanks for the near £100 that this initiative will raise. Well done Ben.
Painful pedalling! JOG here I come!
Friday, August 27, 2010
I'm famous!
Well done the Ivybridge and South Brent Gazette! Today's issue sees me on the front cover and a full feature on page 3 - did they know something I didn't? The article was almost word for word my press release with photos of me in the sponsors shirt and in the Dartmoor Classic. Please see below:
Ivybridge man to cycle 970miles in 12 days for Rays of Sunshine Children’s Charity
When at secondary school aged 13 Martin Templar of Ivybridge marvelled at the achievement of two 16 year old fellow pupils who cycled from Land’s End to John O’Groats, the length of Britain. Ever since it has been his dream to emulate their achievement.
For the past 2 years Martin has been training hard cycling in excess of 2,000 miles since February this year alone as well as giving up alcohol in an effort to lose a little weight. He can often be seen each weekend cycling solo across Dartmoor or around the South Hams as well as commuting into Wrigley’s at Estover where he works in the Marketing team.
Martin says “In fulfilling a personal dream I want to do some good for others”. He has raised thousands of pounds before notably for The Cystic Fibrosis Trust, Phab and CHICKS charities but on this occasion chose the Rays of Sunshine Children’s Charity.
Rays of Sunshine grants wishes to children with serious and life limiting illnesses aged 3 – 18 across the UK. “At the end of last year I was inspired by the story of Alice Halstead whom I heard on the radio. She has a rare form of diabetes that requires hourly monitoring of her blood meaning that she has had to live in a Leeds hospital for over 2 years. Rays of Sunshine made it possible for Alice and her family to visit London to see the Lion King giving both Alice and her family a well deserved break”. “Alice is now an inspirational ambassador for the charity and has raised tens of thousands of pounds herself”.
Martin has been fundraising all summer and has amassed over £5,000 for Rays of Sunshine with a significant contribution being made by local and national businesses that have sponsored his T-shirt for the trip. “I would like to thank all my supporters. In these tough times I have found their generosity quite overwhelming”.
The cycle ride leaves Land’s End at the end of August with Martin passing through Devon on September 1st. If you would like to support his effort then please visit where you can read more of his story and sponsor him online.
Ivybridge man to cycle 970miles in 12 days for Rays of Sunshine Children’s Charity
When at secondary school aged 13 Martin Templar of Ivybridge marvelled at the achievement of two 16 year old fellow pupils who cycled from Land’s End to John O’Groats, the length of Britain. Ever since it has been his dream to emulate their achievement.
For the past 2 years Martin has been training hard cycling in excess of 2,000 miles since February this year alone as well as giving up alcohol in an effort to lose a little weight. He can often be seen each weekend cycling solo across Dartmoor or around the South Hams as well as commuting into Wrigley’s at Estover where he works in the Marketing team.
Martin says “In fulfilling a personal dream I want to do some good for others”. He has raised thousands of pounds before notably for The Cystic Fibrosis Trust, Phab and CHICKS charities but on this occasion chose the Rays of Sunshine Children’s Charity.
Rays of Sunshine grants wishes to children with serious and life limiting illnesses aged 3 – 18 across the UK. “At the end of last year I was inspired by the story of Alice Halstead whom I heard on the radio. She has a rare form of diabetes that requires hourly monitoring of her blood meaning that she has had to live in a Leeds hospital for over 2 years. Rays of Sunshine made it possible for Alice and her family to visit London to see the Lion King giving both Alice and her family a well deserved break”. “Alice is now an inspirational ambassador for the charity and has raised tens of thousands of pounds herself”.
Martin has been fundraising all summer and has amassed over £5,000 for Rays of Sunshine with a significant contribution being made by local and national businesses that have sponsored his T-shirt for the trip. “I would like to thank all my supporters. In these tough times I have found their generosity quite overwhelming”.
The cycle ride leaves Land’s End at the end of August with Martin passing through Devon on September 1st. If you would like to support his effort then please visit where you can read more of his story and sponsor him online.
A pain in the a$$!
Nightmare. Had a slightly tight hamstring the last few weeks so decided to see a phsio this Wednesday. It had niggled at me when I rode on Sunday so decided to try and do something about it before it was too late. Saw Vicky Llewellyn at Plymouth Physio who detected tightness in my left hamstring near the top that continued up into my glute. Massage and ultrasound and a new stretch shown I left Vicky feeling great. Tightness returned in the evening though. It's not too bad on the bike but hurts going upstairs and I'm desperate not to pull the muscle further.
Went on the trainer in the morning for 30mins on Thursday for the third morning this week just to spin the legs. Doesn't hurt with no load but we'll see when the hills rise upwards.
Weird week as beacause of the leg I'm almost keen to avoid the bike. For goodness sake don't lose your momentum at this 11th hour Mr Templar!
Friday morning and the trainer's had it following my fall from the machine a few weeks back therefore had to miss training today. Saw Vicky again who worked hard with massage on the leg and then ultrasound. Shown how to massage whilst away plus Ibuleve gel recommended and then frozen peas and a hot water bottle. Am now certain the 'niggle' will be with me for the whole trip. I've been injury free all these months except for my foot. Why now?
Went on the trainer in the morning for 30mins on Thursday for the third morning this week just to spin the legs. Doesn't hurt with no load but we'll see when the hills rise upwards.
Weird week as beacause of the leg I'm almost keen to avoid the bike. For goodness sake don't lose your momentum at this 11th hour Mr Templar!
Friday morning and the trainer's had it following my fall from the machine a few weeks back therefore had to miss training today. Saw Vicky again who worked hard with massage on the leg and then ultrasound. Shown how to massage whilst away plus Ibuleve gel recommended and then frozen peas and a hot water bottle. Am now certain the 'niggle' will be with me for the whole trip. I've been injury free all these months except for my foot. Why now?
Monday, August 23, 2010
Inspirational Alice!
Had a message from Alice today. It appears her health has not been great which is hugely disappointing as she was soon hoping to go home. She has given me fresh motivation as she's posted this on ther blog...
Martin’s Sunshine Ride for @RaysofSunshine August 23rd, 2010 | Author: Alice Halstead
As some of you may remember in November 2009, I was interviewed on Radio Five Live about my condition and also Rays of Sunshine!! That afternoon, Martin Templar was listening and was inspired by my story…he wanted to fullfill one of his dreams – to cycle from Land’s End to John O’ Groats – whilst also fulfilling the dreams of children living with serious and life limiting illnesses.
In August/September Martin will cycle 970 miles in 12 days. He said “I’m trying to fulfill a dream whilst at the same time raising loads of cash for serious and terminally ill children so that they might fulfill theirs.” In an email i received from him today, he said “You’ll see that I have a Rays of Sunshine teddy bear strapped to my bike. I’ve named him ‘Hal’ after you as you are the inspiration for this fundraising effort. I wanted a tangible reminder as to why I’ll be putting my body through the pain. Hal had his first ride yesterday and he enjoyed the views though got a little wet as the heavens opened with 10 miles to go.”
Martin is number two now of Rays of Sunshine’s top fundraisers on JustGiving!! Yikes, he is catching up with me!! Please give him some encouragement and donate here
Thank you Martin and Good Luck!!
Martin’s Sunshine Ride for @RaysofSunshine August 23rd, 2010 | Author: Alice Halstead
As some of you may remember in November 2009, I was interviewed on Radio Five Live about my condition and also Rays of Sunshine!! That afternoon, Martin Templar was listening and was inspired by my story…he wanted to fullfill one of his dreams – to cycle from Land’s End to John O’ Groats – whilst also fulfilling the dreams of children living with serious and life limiting illnesses.
In August/September Martin will cycle 970 miles in 12 days. He said “I’m trying to fulfill a dream whilst at the same time raising loads of cash for serious and terminally ill children so that they might fulfill theirs.” In an email i received from him today, he said “You’ll see that I have a Rays of Sunshine teddy bear strapped to my bike. I’ve named him ‘Hal’ after you as you are the inspiration for this fundraising effort. I wanted a tangible reminder as to why I’ll be putting my body through the pain. Hal had his first ride yesterday and he enjoyed the views though got a little wet as the heavens opened with 10 miles to go.”
Martin is number two now of Rays of Sunshine’s top fundraisers on JustGiving!! Yikes, he is catching up with me!! Please give him some encouragement and donate here
Thank you Martin and Good Luck!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Can it really be so?
Well yes it can. Today was my last 'big' ride before the off. An 'easy' 66 miles across the moor with 6,700' of climbing. Weather great first thing (7.10am start) as I looped Burrator, crossed to Moorshop and then climbed to Two Bridges. The next time I do this stretch I'll be accompanied. On through Postbridge and then down to Ponsworthy Bridge, Dartmeet and the 25% at Hexworthy. Descended to Buckfastleigh where the heavens opened so jacket on for the last 10 miles home. Is this a taste of what's to come I wonder as 50mm of rain is forecast for tonight!
At home the bike has had a good clean and then its a tyre change and into Certini for a final check over. Exercise plans for the week ahead are a couple of commutes if the weather holds and maybe a swim. Nothing too serious. The foot is ok but I have a niggle at the top of my left hamstring. Feel it occasionally on the bike though hurts more walking uphill. Good incentive to ride! Let's hope it doesn't stiffen up on the ride!
Bag is now packed as yesterday's wet weather gave me time to fill it. Problem is the bag's missing 20% of my kit. Bigger bag or more thrifty? Tough choices will need to be made. I didn't realise how much space my energy gels and powders would take so I'd imagine the bag will be a lot lighter come the end.
Wore my Oakley Radars for the first time today which were fantastic. My other glasses are quite small so I normally 'cry' downhill. No such issues now. Just waiting for my leg warmers and the kitty will be exhausted.
Hal enjoyed his ride, staying in place admirably. Not sure he liked the rain though. He may need a wash en route if he begins to pong!
At home the bike has had a good clean and then its a tyre change and into Certini for a final check over. Exercise plans for the week ahead are a couple of commutes if the weather holds and maybe a swim. Nothing too serious. The foot is ok but I have a niggle at the top of my left hamstring. Feel it occasionally on the bike though hurts more walking uphill. Good incentive to ride! Let's hope it doesn't stiffen up on the ride!
Bag is now packed as yesterday's wet weather gave me time to fill it. Problem is the bag's missing 20% of my kit. Bigger bag or more thrifty? Tough choices will need to be made. I didn't realise how much space my energy gels and powders would take so I'd imagine the bag will be a lot lighter come the end.
Wore my Oakley Radars for the first time today which were fantastic. My other glasses are quite small so I normally 'cry' downhill. No such issues now. Just waiting for my leg warmers and the kitty will be exhausted.
Hal enjoyed his ride, staying in place admirably. Not sure he liked the rain though. He may need a wash en route if he begins to pong!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Welcome to 'Hal'
Say hello to 'Hal'. Wrote to Olivia at ROS earlier in the week as I thought that if times get tough on the ride I might need reminding why I'm putting myself through the pain. She sent down some goodies and 'Hal' has made it onto the bike. Why 'Hal'? Well because of the inspirational Alice Halstead of course without whom this fundraising effort would not have occurred. Hopefully Hal will make LEJOG on the bike and if the ride is too rough I'll put him in my pocket so he can enjoy the views!
Have felt a little 'heady' the last couple of days as the August weather is in it's element. Fog, rain and very low visibility. Lets hope this weather exhausts itself before the off. Hoping the headiness doesn't develop as I've been so well for so long it would be a disaster to get a bug right now.
Managed an hour on the trainer this morning and then hope to be out agin for a 50-60mile run tomorrow. One last trek across the moors if body and weather allows. Now for writing a press release!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Oh what a 'phoney' week!
Well here it is. The sponsored shirt that all my lovely sponsors 'paid' to have their logos on. Having lost some weight it now looks a little like a night shirt though Sportworx of Ivybridge did a great job of the printing. Thankyou. This little gem of an idea raised about £2.5k so it's responsible for nearly half my fundraissing! Thankyou to all who gave so generously.
The original idea was to print on my cycling jersey however Gore wanted me to send the jersey to Scotland to be done as it's specialist print. Needless to say the complexity meant I turned to the cotton contingency.
So why a phoney week? Well we're on that cusp now. 12 days to go as I write so shouldn't over-do the exercise yet I'm still eating like a horse. The thing is I WANT to exercise. I think my body is in a routine. After another 86 miles last Sunday I had a couple of days off before a half hour spin on the trainer yesterday and a good swim tonight. One more longish ride this w/e and then just a couple of commutes and maybe a swim next week. I pray for an injury/illness free run in as any problems now could spell disaster.
I figure the miles are in the legs as the Garmin has recorded 1800+ miles since January with a good number of 20 mile commutes on top. It's now or never!
Once again massive thanks to the support with the fundraising. I'm up to £5.2k-ish and there's still more coming in so fingers crossed for the big six. Olivia at Rays of Sunshine is delighted.
Items are now making it into my kit bag and there have been a few last minute panic buys including leg warmers as the days are getting cooler and new glasses so I have 'spares'. Wiggle, Evans & Ribble sales will soon be in decline as the event starts so 'sell, sell, sell' those shares now! Bike's going in for a 'check-up' next week though all running smoothly at the mo so should be routine.
I just can't wait to get going. I want to relish the challenge and the fun as trips like this don't come around too often in life. Gill and the kids have been a HUGE support throughout. I owe them a lot of love and will be giving them more 'Dad time' on my return. Gill's getting the paint and brushes primed as I sense an Autumn of decorating ahead. I wonder if I can paint whilst sitting on the trainer?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
How GOOD does that feel?
What a tremendous day. My sponsorship came through from Wrigley which sent me crashing through my revised target. I now have sponsorship in excess of £5,200 which is absolutely fantastic.
I want to sincerely thank all my supporters for your fantastic generosity. Every donation counts and will make a difference to children and families that are in need of a lift.
I started with a target of £4k which was then revised to £5k and now who knows where I may end up? I set off in 2 weeks time with the full knowledge that I have amazingly generous supporters. What better way to start the trip of a lifetime. I won't disappoint you.
To everyone, I thank you.
I want to sincerely thank all my supporters for your fantastic generosity. Every donation counts and will make a difference to children and families that are in need of a lift.
I started with a target of £4k which was then revised to £5k and now who knows where I may end up? I set off in 2 weeks time with the full knowledge that I have amazingly generous supporters. What better way to start the trip of a lifetime. I won't disappoint you.
To everyone, I thank you.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
A Solid Week
Back on the bike having returned from the caravan. Did 86 miles across the moors in wet and blustery conditions. Waterproof on for 60 miles as I went out to Burrator, Horrabridge, Princetown, M'hampstead, Teign Valley, Bovey, Mannaton, Haytor, Ashburton & home. The poor people in Princetown celebrating their festival where their gazebos were at 45 degrees and the female choir on the steps of the High Moor centre looked like drowned rats! Foot sore from 30-50 miles but had gone numb by the end so seemed ok.
4 commutes to work on the bike this week racking up 80miles and I'll be out again this Sunday for a long one. Travel with work next week so training will be interupted but it's time to start winding down.
Fundraising has stalled recently so 2 weeks to push on now. T-shirts printed by Sportworx in Ivybridge so time to get a press release done.
Have started packing the bag. Getting exciting!
4 commutes to work on the bike this week racking up 80miles and I'll be out again this Sunday for a long one. Travel with work next week so training will be interupted but it's time to start winding down.
Fundraising has stalled recently so 2 weeks to push on now. T-shirts printed by Sportworx in Ivybridge so time to get a press release done.
Have started packing the bag. Getting exciting!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
fish, chips egg and bacon
Just ending 5 days at the caravan. Great fun with the family but oh how unhealthy. Didn't bring the bike so I could rest the foot which feels a little better though not healed. I just hope this weeks excesses are burnt off soon or else I may regret them! A nice break ahead of the final fundraising and exercise push. Bring it on!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Well that's what it was like for 2 weeks after the classic as work took me to Munich, Dublin, Swindon and Exeter. Total work days at home = 0. Net result was very disrupted training in the week and just a 60 loop of the South Hams and an 80 miler over the moors at the weekend. Legs felt heavy as the classic and lack of midweek training took their toll.
The last 2 weeks have been much better as I've been working out of Plymouth. Rode for 9 out of 11 days, mostly the 20 miles to and from work but with a 73 moorland run and a fabulous 101 miler taking in coast and moor. Rode to the Torpoint ferry, along the Cornwall coast to Seaton then north to Liskeard picking up the LEJOG route through Callington, Gunnerslake, Tavvy, Princetown and Postbridge before turning home via Manaton and Dartmeet. Wonderful ride.
Problem is the cycling repetition has brought foot pain back in my left metatarsals. Same problem as earlier this year. Legs feel great but what good is that when your foot has had it? I think it went on Friday 23rd, that was certainly the first day the Crocs were on at work. Cleat and saddle adjustment tonight. Fingers crossed that helps.
Taken it steady this week with a couple of 1500m swims. With a week off now and down time for family I rode the South Hams route tonight covering 59 miles. Almost collided with a 4x4 reversing up the hill down to Slapton having to divert up a driveway to avoid a nasty crash at 30+mph. Lots of tourists camping in the fields as it's holiday season.
Next ride will be Friday hopefully with David (fatboy) from the LEJOG trip. Looks like I need to ride every few days so as not to mess the foot completely. All I know now is that come September it'll hurt!
The last 2 weeks have been much better as I've been working out of Plymouth. Rode for 9 out of 11 days, mostly the 20 miles to and from work but with a 73 moorland run and a fabulous 101 miler taking in coast and moor. Rode to the Torpoint ferry, along the Cornwall coast to Seaton then north to Liskeard picking up the LEJOG route through Callington, Gunnerslake, Tavvy, Princetown and Postbridge before turning home via Manaton and Dartmeet. Wonderful ride.
Problem is the cycling repetition has brought foot pain back in my left metatarsals. Same problem as earlier this year. Legs feel great but what good is that when your foot has had it? I think it went on Friday 23rd, that was certainly the first day the Crocs were on at work. Cleat and saddle adjustment tonight. Fingers crossed that helps.
Taken it steady this week with a couple of 1500m swims. With a week off now and down time for family I rode the South Hams route tonight covering 59 miles. Almost collided with a 4x4 reversing up the hill down to Slapton having to divert up a driveway to avoid a nasty crash at 30+mph. Lots of tourists camping in the fields as it's holiday season.
Next ride will be Friday hopefully with David (fatboy) from the LEJOG trip. Looks like I need to ride every few days so as not to mess the foot completely. All I know now is that come September it'll hurt!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
What a Classic!
Had a brilliant time on holiday with the kids at a resort I can thoroughly recommend if you have young ones - the Royal Son Bou Family Club, Menorca. Training restricted to a few sessions on the spinning bike, some volleyball and tennis. Rather concerned about the all inclusive diet though!
Fundraising continued well while I was away and all cheques from company sponsors came in. Total now at about £2,900 excluding work's contribution. I'm now hoping to top £5k come the end so fingers crossed.
My bike is named 'Black Beauty' as she's black and she's a beauty. No horse references whatsoever. She was in for a service whilst we were away so first thing I did on returning home was to pick her up and pay Certini the £120 bill with all the unspent Euros. New chain, cassette and cleaned bottom bracket - although it still creaks!
Commuted to work Tues/Wed and then rode 42 miles up through Holne & Hexworthy on Wed night as this Sunday was the Dartmoor Classic. Legs felt a little heavy so decided to rest until the big day.
Registered on a blisteringly hot Saturday and then no sleep that night due to excitement. Met Richard at 6.30am near the start where we prepped and nervously waited till the off on what was another fine day. 7.14am and we were away.
Felt really good as we made our way to Bovey Tracey, so much so that I burst to the front, Paula Radcliffe style, just to stretch the legs. I was to learn how powerful local knowledge was on this ride, knowing when to attack and when to dig in was crucial.

The climb up to Manaton was steady, Richard taking an early lead as the rising temperature brought the sweat out. Fluids were consumed with gay abandon and on the top at Haytor the first gel of the day was consumed. A fast descent to Ashburton (44mph) and then good old Holne Hill at 25%. Made it with ease, the only scare being when the guy in front clipped his foot from his pedal - nasty. As is usaul I had taken Rich on the descent and we were back together again by the time we were at Vennford reservoir.
Tough to Princetown as we had a headwind and our 2-up strategy failed abysmally. Went over the timing mat and then met Mum, Dad & Jane at the layby near south Hessary for refreshments as it saved the queues at the feed station. A quick stop and then the fast descent down to Horrabridge before climbing to Moorshop and into Tavvy where the church service was taking place on the green. A sermon about Franz Beckenbauer and the World Cup? What are Sunday's coming too?
Climbed out of Tavvy and by now on open roads to Chillaton the blistering heat and lack of wind was taking it's toll. Dehydration was a real fear.
Richard caught and left me here as we moseyed through Coryton and Lydford Gorge. On the road to Brentor Rich and I started to struggle with cramp at about 60miles and I was feeling very sick due to all that sugar!
Stopped at Brentor timing mat for fresh water as we were now out of fluid. Nigel Mansell also enjoyed a pit stop here. He is cycling around Britain with his sons this year and must have been using the ride for practice.
Through to Mary Tavy and then descend to Harford Bridge before the Col de Batteridge Hill. Out of the saddle due to cramp but a 'floppy hat wearing' Jon Eatly and friends shouted with gusto at the top which gave me real encouragement.
Climbed Pork and Merrivale Hills in seering heat again with no wind. Heat from the sun and from the road made this a severe test. Richard had been dropped due to cramp again but by the feed station in Princetown he was only a minute down. Met Mum, Dad & Jane again for a refuel on the main road in Princetown. Mother looked concerned as I declared that I thought I was going to be sick! My time estimate was also 45mins out for this leg which made her worry.
Cycled back to Rundlestone and now it was my turn for cramp in the thighs so this was the last I saw of a strengthening Richard. Thankfully I knew the roads. Our aim was 8hrs 20mins so we could medal on the 106mile ride. We needed an average of 13 and we'd dropped to 12.5 but thankfully the biggest ascents were behind us and the last 15 miles down the Teign Valley was our JOKER!
Having regularly ridden these roads, Two Bridges, Postbridge and Mortonhampstead were a ticking off list with the only excitement being caused by 3 errant sheep. The final test was up the climb from M'hampstead to Doccombe. With tiring legs the tactic was to spin to the top and maintain the average which dropped by the top to 12.7.
My words to Rich were "when you see that sign, ATTACK" when we trained for this ride and attack we did. 3 miles downhill to the Teign and then 12 miles on the flat to Kingsteignton. Flat out until 2 miles from the end when my quads on my left leg decided enough was enough. Full seizure! My lowest gear and leg stretches on the flat but my day was not going to be ruined by fatigue. The heat of Dartmoor once got me on the Ten Tors. It was not going to get me again.
Made it to the line in 7hrs 55mins 26secs with Richard 3 mins ahead of me. High fives were only soured by Germany 2 England 0 being announced over the PA as we were on our way to a sound thrashing in Bloemfontaine. Mum, Dad and Jane arrived to join our celebration as we proudly supped Sprite and admired our granite trophies and bronze medals.
One heck of a day but isn't it just grand when a plan comes together. The winner finished in 5hrs 28mins, but who cares when Richard and I had won our own personal battles? We averaged 13.2 mph for the entire ride with a 'moving average' of 14mph which is very commendable as we had over 10,000' of climbing to negotiate.
With the Classic ridden, it's a week off for me and indulgence in unhealthy food until the training starts in earnest for the big one next week. I'll have 8 weeks to train hard before the trip down to Land's End.
Fundraising continued well while I was away and all cheques from company sponsors came in. Total now at about £2,900 excluding work's contribution. I'm now hoping to top £5k come the end so fingers crossed.
My bike is named 'Black Beauty' as she's black and she's a beauty. No horse references whatsoever. She was in for a service whilst we were away so first thing I did on returning home was to pick her up and pay Certini the £120 bill with all the unspent Euros. New chain, cassette and cleaned bottom bracket - although it still creaks!
Commuted to work Tues/Wed and then rode 42 miles up through Holne & Hexworthy on Wed night as this Sunday was the Dartmoor Classic. Legs felt a little heavy so decided to rest until the big day.
Registered on a blisteringly hot Saturday and then no sleep that night due to excitement. Met Richard at 6.30am near the start where we prepped and nervously waited till the off on what was another fine day. 7.14am and we were away.
Felt really good as we made our way to Bovey Tracey, so much so that I burst to the front, Paula Radcliffe style, just to stretch the legs. I was to learn how powerful local knowledge was on this ride, knowing when to attack and when to dig in was crucial.
The climb up to Manaton was steady, Richard taking an early lead as the rising temperature brought the sweat out. Fluids were consumed with gay abandon and on the top at Haytor the first gel of the day was consumed. A fast descent to Ashburton (44mph) and then good old Holne Hill at 25%. Made it with ease, the only scare being when the guy in front clipped his foot from his pedal - nasty. As is usaul I had taken Rich on the descent and we were back together again by the time we were at Vennford reservoir.
Tough to Princetown as we had a headwind and our 2-up strategy failed abysmally. Went over the timing mat and then met Mum, Dad & Jane at the layby near south Hessary for refreshments as it saved the queues at the feed station. A quick stop and then the fast descent down to Horrabridge before climbing to Moorshop and into Tavvy where the church service was taking place on the green. A sermon about Franz Beckenbauer and the World Cup? What are Sunday's coming too?
Climbed out of Tavvy and by now on open roads to Chillaton the blistering heat and lack of wind was taking it's toll. Dehydration was a real fear.
Stopped at Brentor timing mat for fresh water as we were now out of fluid. Nigel Mansell also enjoyed a pit stop here. He is cycling around Britain with his sons this year and must have been using the ride for practice.
Through to Mary Tavy and then descend to Harford Bridge before the Col de Batteridge Hill. Out of the saddle due to cramp but a 'floppy hat wearing' Jon Eatly and friends shouted with gusto at the top which gave me real encouragement.
Cycled back to Rundlestone and now it was my turn for cramp in the thighs so this was the last I saw of a strengthening Richard. Thankfully I knew the roads. Our aim was 8hrs 20mins so we could medal on the 106mile ride. We needed an average of 13 and we'd dropped to 12.5 but thankfully the biggest ascents were behind us and the last 15 miles down the Teign Valley was our JOKER!
Having regularly ridden these roads, Two Bridges, Postbridge and Mortonhampstead were a ticking off list with the only excitement being caused by 3 errant sheep. The final test was up the climb from M'hampstead to Doccombe. With tiring legs the tactic was to spin to the top and maintain the average which dropped by the top to 12.7.
My words to Rich were "when you see that sign, ATTACK" when we trained for this ride and attack we did. 3 miles downhill to the Teign and then 12 miles on the flat to Kingsteignton. Flat out until 2 miles from the end when my quads on my left leg decided enough was enough. Full seizure! My lowest gear and leg stretches on the flat but my day was not going to be ruined by fatigue. The heat of Dartmoor once got me on the Ten Tors. It was not going to get me again.
Made it to the line in 7hrs 55mins 26secs with Richard 3 mins ahead of me. High fives were only soured by Germany 2 England 0 being announced over the PA as we were on our way to a sound thrashing in Bloemfontaine. Mum, Dad and Jane arrived to join our celebration as we proudly supped Sprite and admired our granite trophies and bronze medals.
One heck of a day but isn't it just grand when a plan comes together. The winner finished in 5hrs 28mins, but who cares when Richard and I had won our own personal battles? We averaged 13.2 mph for the entire ride with a 'moving average' of 14mph which is very commendable as we had over 10,000' of climbing to negotiate.
With the Classic ridden, it's a week off for me and indulgence in unhealthy food until the training starts in earnest for the big one next week. I'll have 8 weeks to train hard before the trip down to Land's End.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Fantastic 100!
Great day yesterday over the moors in sunny conditions. Managed to do 100 miles for the first time this year with over 10,000' of climbing as I practiced the central and eastern ends of the Dartmoor Classic route. Great fun in great conditions. A super effort as this is my last 'long one' before the classic on 27th June as we now depart on holiday for just over a week. Bike now in for a service as bottom bracket creaking and chain likely needs replacing.
As predicted fundraising has slowed though I have pledges to take me over my £4k target so all looking good. Bray currently working on artwork for the jerseys.
Now for some fun in the sun with the family - if they remember who I am!
As predicted fundraising has slowed though I have pledges to take me over my £4k target so all looking good. Bray currently working on artwork for the jerseys.
Now for some fun in the sun with the family - if they remember who I am!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
3 Seasons in One Day
Long ride today without Rich as he had his parents down. Started in cloud, misty at Lydford and then sunny by Ashburton. New arm warmers are a great addition to my kit. Felt tired to start after a walk and 2 parties in the heat the day before but soon got into it. Only 2 long rides to go till the Dartmoor Classic so took the opportunity to practice the western end of the route so explored 'virgin' roads for me north of Tavy. They were lovely and quiet so it was a good run. 87 miles at 13.4mph with over 8,000' of climbing. Went to Burrator, then picked up the classic route north of Tavy and over the moor, turning off to Mannaton and climbing to Haytor and over to Ashburton. Feel good afterwards. Let's see in the morning! A couple of days off now as travelling with work before a few commutes and a long one next weekend before our holiday. Wore a Certini donated shirt today which was fab and may use Satellite Sports in Ivybridge for shirt printing.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Summer's Come!
After a sore foot last week, a few days off and some swimming over the Bank Holiday weekend it's back on the bike this week. Did 47 miles on Tuesday night over the moors and the weather's been so good I've commuted into work Wed/Thurs in shorts and T-shirt. Plan to ride with Rich on Sunday family commitments permitting.
Sponsorship going very well with lots of supplier support even getting money from the Ipsos-Mori finance department! Alice contacted me tonight to congratulate me on being one of Rays of Sunshine's current best fundraisers according to Justgiving. Rock on! Good support from Paperhat as I look to get my shirts printed. Just need to sketch a design for Bray Leino to complete artwork.
Training and fundraising hard. Life is good!
Sponsorship going very well with lots of supplier support even getting money from the Ipsos-Mori finance department! Alice contacted me tonight to congratulate me on being one of Rays of Sunshine's current best fundraisers according to Justgiving. Rock on! Good support from Paperhat as I look to get my shirts printed. Just need to sketch a design for Bray Leino to complete artwork.
Training and fundraising hard. Life is good!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Keep it Coming (Sponsorship. Not Pain)
Successful few days on the sponsorship front with a steady stream of pledges. The selling of shirt space ends tomorrow and I reckon I have 8 names on the shirt thus far. Shirts I might add generously supported by Rob at the Certini Bicycle Company in Saltash. Rob's looked after myself and the bikes now for 2 years and he does a grand job of keeping me on the road. He has offered support as I attempt LEJOG and for that I thank him greatly.
Ouch, ouch, ouch! Blasted feet have started playing up again. Gill is away this w/e and I thought I was in Munich next week so have been packing in the miles with the long one last Saturday and then 3 commutes to work this week plus a 37.5mile run home on Tuesday night. I should heed my earlier words of breaking the training up so it's a few days off for me as the feet are tender again. The best description I have heard is repetitive strain injury hence the impotance of mixing the training up. Come September, buy shares in Nurofen as sales are bound to rocket!
Was planning a gentle ride this w/e but as Kate has chicken pox this will likely be postponed. Oh and how generous SSK? It's his birthday this Sunday and he's asked well wishers not for presents but to sponsor at What an absolute star!
Ouch, ouch, ouch! Blasted feet have started playing up again. Gill is away this w/e and I thought I was in Munich next week so have been packing in the miles with the long one last Saturday and then 3 commutes to work this week plus a 37.5mile run home on Tuesday night. I should heed my earlier words of breaking the training up so it's a few days off for me as the feet are tender again. The best description I have heard is repetitive strain injury hence the impotance of mixing the training up. Come September, buy shares in Nurofen as sales are bound to rocket!
Was planning a gentle ride this w/e but as Kate has chicken pox this will likely be postponed. Oh and how generous SSK? It's his birthday this Sunday and he's asked well wishers not for presents but to sponsor at What an absolute star!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Fun in the sun
Swam 1500m on Thursday night and then a big ride on Saturday as Wilf was at Eden for the day. Glorious weekend with temperature up to 27 degrees and a brisk south easterly but cloudless skies. Broke my chain tool trying to remove a link so had to persist as is with a few brake adjustments after last weekends Cornwall Tour.
Rode to Ashburton, Haytor, down and round to Mannaton and back over to Ashburton. Then up to Holne, Hexworthy and Princetown. How did the 2 guys overtake me so speedily dropping down to Ashburton? Nerves of steel! Re-charged with drink at Princetown and a call to Gill to say I'd be home at 2.30 pm (Ooops) and then it was 52mph down Pork Hill before turning to Horrabridge, a round of Burrator and home. Great day of 80miles much of which was over Dartmoor classic roads on which I must now practice. My target for the classic is to complete the 103miles in under 8hrs 20mins so that I get a bronze otherwise it's a mere chunk of granite! My timing on this ride was bang on but there's no slack for mechanical hiccups so I need to practice a bit of speed.
Brakes on the bike will need changing soon and its a new chain tool for me. Terrific day as on checking the blackberry at Princetown my JustGiving site had shot up £500 in the morning. Thankyou. You know who you are. Made up for only 6 attendees at the 'Come Dine With Me' session though after lunch on Friday the total was £25 better off than before lunch.
Sunday spent on the beach with kids so we're all fried after tennis, cricket, swimming etc. Saw an adder for the first time there as it slid over the path.
Cycling to work tomorrow and then hopefully an evening ride on Tuesday. need to pack the miles in this week as I'm home and Gill is away next weekend.
Rode to Ashburton, Haytor, down and round to Mannaton and back over to Ashburton. Then up to Holne, Hexworthy and Princetown. How did the 2 guys overtake me so speedily dropping down to Ashburton? Nerves of steel! Re-charged with drink at Princetown and a call to Gill to say I'd be home at 2.30 pm (Ooops) and then it was 52mph down Pork Hill before turning to Horrabridge, a round of Burrator and home. Great day of 80miles much of which was over Dartmoor classic roads on which I must now practice. My target for the classic is to complete the 103miles in under 8hrs 20mins so that I get a bronze otherwise it's a mere chunk of granite! My timing on this ride was bang on but there's no slack for mechanical hiccups so I need to practice a bit of speed.
Brakes on the bike will need changing soon and its a new chain tool for me. Terrific day as on checking the blackberry at Princetown my JustGiving site had shot up £500 in the morning. Thankyou. You know who you are. Made up for only 6 attendees at the 'Come Dine With Me' session though after lunch on Friday the total was £25 better off than before lunch.
Sunday spent on the beach with kids so we're all fried after tennis, cricket, swimming etc. Saw an adder for the first time there as it slid over the path.
Cycling to work tomorrow and then hopefully an evening ride on Tuesday. need to pack the miles in this week as I'm home and Gill is away next weekend.
Monday, May 17, 2010
It All Went Pear v2
I don't believe this. Soon I'll get the hang of this damn system!
Have been off air for a while due to a failed password and now when I go and post I lost my first thoughts hence why the last post is empty, null and void! Let's try again....
On the fundraising front all is quiet with only 7% of my fundraising target reached thus far so I have a 'Come Dine With Me' Session organised at work on Friday where I'll share more detail about the event and charity as I try and raise awareness. If you wish to sponsor my efforts then please go to
On the bike front, my bursitis has been playing up causing havoc with my training through February and March but new shoes, pedals and the marvellous Specialized Shims (footbed inserts) have got me back on the bike. My foot is still painful and toe numb but at least I can now ride.
Richard B and I did the Verenti Cornwall Tor yesterday. 73 miles and almost 8,000' of climbing including the successful ascent of Millook at 30%+ gradient. We were both delighted to complete the event but cramp in the latter stages was due to the interupted training schedule.
I'm understanding how hard serious training can be when you're trying to juggle your job, family and hobbies all at once. Life is definitely not dull!
Have been off air for a while due to a failed password and now when I go and post I lost my first thoughts hence why the last post is empty, null and void! Let's try again....
On the fundraising front all is quiet with only 7% of my fundraising target reached thus far so I have a 'Come Dine With Me' Session organised at work on Friday where I'll share more detail about the event and charity as I try and raise awareness. If you wish to sponsor my efforts then please go to
On the bike front, my bursitis has been playing up causing havoc with my training through February and March but new shoes, pedals and the marvellous Specialized Shims (footbed inserts) have got me back on the bike. My foot is still painful and toe numb but at least I can now ride.
Richard B and I did the Verenti Cornwall Tor yesterday. 73 miles and almost 8,000' of climbing including the successful ascent of Millook at 30%+ gradient. We were both delighted to complete the event but cramp in the latter stages was due to the interupted training schedule.
I'm understanding how hard serious training can be when you're trying to juggle your job, family and hobbies all at once. Life is definitely not dull!
So Here We Go V2
Hello all and welcome to my BLOG. This is my first ever BLOG. I've wondered why on earth people ever write these things and now I've discovered why. This 'electronic diary' is a way of me capturing my thoughts, hopes and fears as I attempt Lands End to John O Groats this year by bicycle. Quite a feat with the shocking state of my feet. With all the medic trips this year I should have written a BLOG on those. Thank goodness for BUPA. Feet not cured but I guess numbness from bursitis and nerve damage is better than pain. 53 miles last Sunday convinced me to start the BLOG as I pray that the feet will hold up under the strain.Have just written all my begging letters that tell the tale. Happy reading.....
Ref. Land’s End to John O’Groats Charity Cycle Ride in aid of Rays of Sunshine Children’s CharityI am writing to you as I am seeking the support of company sponsors to help me achieve a fundraising target of £4,000 for the Rays of Sunshine Children’s Charity as I attempt to cycle from Land’s End to John O’Groats this summer. I plan to complete the ride assisted, in 12 days between 31st August 2010 and 12th September.
Many years ago whilst at Bristol Cathedral School, two of my fellow pupils completed the near 1000 mile ride aged 16. Being a keen cyclist myself I have often wondered in awe at their achievement and would now like to follow in their footsteps and attempt the feat myself. This is a major challenge in itself but as I have suffered for nearly 3 years with foot pain (bursitis and nerve damage) it will give me a massive sense of achievement if I can conquer the 1000 miles, 45,000 feet of climbing (1 ½ times the height of Everest!), my injury and most importantly achieve my fundraising target.
I have chosen to raise money for the Rays of Sunshine Children’s Charity ( (Reg. Charity No. 1102529)) having been inspired by the story of 18 year old Alice Halstead whom I heard interviewed on Radio 5 Live back in November 2009. Alice was a fit 16 year old when she started to become ill and was eventually diagnosed with a form of diabetes, so rare, that she is the only sufferer of this disorder globally. Alice has had to live for 2 ½ years in hospital as she has to have hourly checks of her blood sugar levels. Can you imagine being so young and not being able to leave a hospital bed? You can read more of Alice’s story on or .
Rays of Sunshine Children's Charity exists to help grant the wishes of children who are living with serious or life-threatening illnesses between the ages of 3-18 who live in the United Kingdom. With our help they and their families can experience the joy and excitement of doing something they've only ever dreamt of before. In Alice’s case she was afforded a trip to London to see the Lion King. A major logistical feat for one so ill.
I am a very proud parent of 3 happy and healthy kids. As a family we often have great experiences but I know we take too many of these for granted. That’s why I want to raise money for this great cause and make a difference for children less fortunate than my own.
So how can you help? I am going to print the company logos of businesses that sponsor me on my cycle jersey. The shirt will be worn on all fundraising events, PR opportunities and on the ride itself which will constitute around 80 hours of riding.If you would like to support me then please send me a cheque made payable to ‘Rays of Sunshine’ by Friday May 28th The deadline is tight to allow me time to get the jersey designed, printed and then to allow maximum exposure time for your company logo as I PR the event in the summer. In addition if you would like to personally sponsor me then you can visit www.justgiving/Martin-Sunshine-Ride and do so there.I hope you feel inspired reading Alice’s story and are prepared to act by supporting me with my epic challenge. I know that with your help I can make a difference for the children supported by Rays of Sunshine.Please feel free to ask me any questions that you should have.
Ref. Land’s End to John O’Groats Charity Cycle Ride in aid of Rays of Sunshine Children’s CharityI am writing to you as I am seeking the support of company sponsors to help me achieve a fundraising target of £4,000 for the Rays of Sunshine Children’s Charity as I attempt to cycle from Land’s End to John O’Groats this summer. I plan to complete the ride assisted, in 12 days between 31st August 2010 and 12th September.
Many years ago whilst at Bristol Cathedral School, two of my fellow pupils completed the near 1000 mile ride aged 16. Being a keen cyclist myself I have often wondered in awe at their achievement and would now like to follow in their footsteps and attempt the feat myself. This is a major challenge in itself but as I have suffered for nearly 3 years with foot pain (bursitis and nerve damage) it will give me a massive sense of achievement if I can conquer the 1000 miles, 45,000 feet of climbing (1 ½ times the height of Everest!), my injury and most importantly achieve my fundraising target.
I have chosen to raise money for the Rays of Sunshine Children’s Charity ( (Reg. Charity No. 1102529)) having been inspired by the story of 18 year old Alice Halstead whom I heard interviewed on Radio 5 Live back in November 2009. Alice was a fit 16 year old when she started to become ill and was eventually diagnosed with a form of diabetes, so rare, that she is the only sufferer of this disorder globally. Alice has had to live for 2 ½ years in hospital as she has to have hourly checks of her blood sugar levels. Can you imagine being so young and not being able to leave a hospital bed? You can read more of Alice’s story on or .
Rays of Sunshine Children's Charity exists to help grant the wishes of children who are living with serious or life-threatening illnesses between the ages of 3-18 who live in the United Kingdom. With our help they and their families can experience the joy and excitement of doing something they've only ever dreamt of before. In Alice’s case she was afforded a trip to London to see the Lion King. A major logistical feat for one so ill.
I am a very proud parent of 3 happy and healthy kids. As a family we often have great experiences but I know we take too many of these for granted. That’s why I want to raise money for this great cause and make a difference for children less fortunate than my own.
So how can you help? I am going to print the company logos of businesses that sponsor me on my cycle jersey. The shirt will be worn on all fundraising events, PR opportunities and on the ride itself which will constitute around 80 hours of riding.If you would like to support me then please send me a cheque made payable to ‘Rays of Sunshine’ by Friday May 28th The deadline is tight to allow me time to get the jersey designed, printed and then to allow maximum exposure time for your company logo as I PR the event in the summer. In addition if you would like to personally sponsor me then you can visit www.justgiving/Martin-Sunshine-Ride and do so there.I hope you feel inspired reading Alice’s story and are prepared to act by supporting me with my epic challenge. I know that with your help I can make a difference for the children supported by Rays of Sunshine.Please feel free to ask me any questions that you should have.
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